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Two tips for office owners who have hired commercial painters

Here are two tips for office owners who'll be having their offices painted by commercial painters.

They should talk to the painters about any items they cannot remove from the office for the painting project  

It's not always feasible for office owners to remove all of their office furniture, computers and other equipment from their premises while they're being painted. If an office owner is in this position, they should discuss this with their commercial painters before the work begins, as these professionals may have some advice to offer regarding this issue. For example, whilst the office owner may have assumed that pushing all of the furniture and equipment into the centre of the office space would be enough to protect these things from paint splatters, the commercial painters might point out that these items should also be covered with dropcloths and that the computers and their keyboards should be wrapped in plastic for the duration of the painting project. The dropcloths will be the main form of protection that will shield the items from paint, whilst the plastic wrap will ensure that should a dropcloth slip off a computer or a desk, the expensive technology underneath it won't get damaged.

This is important to do, as even though commercial painters are always very careful when painting, minuscule paint specks might still fly off their paintbrushes and fall onto nearby objects. If these little specks of paint land on the office keyboards, they could damage them. Likewise, if they get on the computer screens, these screens could get scratched when these paint specks are being removed and if they get onto the upholstery of the office chairs, they could stain this fabric.

They should instruct their staff to remove their food items from their desks and the canteen fridge and cupboards

Office owners who've hired painters should also instruct their staff to remove their food items from their desks, as well as from the office canteen's fridge and cupboards. The reason for this is that although it's very unlikely that any paint will get onto snacks in desk drawers or in the canteen fridge, the fumes from the paint will spread throughout the places where the painters will be working, and these fumes may impart an odour onto foods in these areas, that may make them inedible.

If any staff members forget to do this before the painting begins, the office owner might want to stow any foods that are left behind in airtight containers, as this may help to prevent them from coming into contact with the paint fumes. If the painters will be decorating the canteen, the office owner may also want to remove the kettle and toaster from this space and ensure that the microwave door is fully closed, to prevent paint specks or fumes from damaging these items. 

For more info, contact local commercial painters
