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Five Things You Need to Paint Baseboards Like the Pros

Baseboard are more than just an afterthought. They can brighten up a room, make it look rich and sophisticated, or create other effects. However, to create the effect you want with your baseboards, you may need to paint them. Wondering how to paint baseboards like a pro? You just need a few things. Take a look:

1. Patience

If you want to paint your baseboards so that they look amazing, you need to have a lot of patience. The more time you take with the task, the better they are going to look, and, ultimately, as you practice a slow and accurate approach, you will get more proficient and faster at the art of painting baseboards. Additionally, you need to exercise patience in the order you paint your baseboards -- always paint them after your walls. Otherwise, drips and splatters from the walls may get on your freshly painted baseboards.

2. Vacuum

Before painting the baseboards, make sure they are dust and debris free. Take a vacuum cleaner, attach a wand to it and run the wand along the baseboards. If you see any sticky posts or things the vacuum cannot remove, grab a rag and scrub those spots. If you don't clean the baseboards, the paint will just go over the dirt, locking it in place.

3. Angled Brush

For precision, whether you are painting a wall or a baseboard, consider using an angled brush rather than a brush with a flat and straight edge. To use the brush, apply paint to the baseboards, painting in a straight line along the top and bottom edge of the baseboards, filling in the middle as you go along.

4. Paint Shield

A paint shield can help to guide you as you go along, and it take the place of tape. Basically, a paint shield looks like a flat paddle, and it has a thin rubber or metal edge on one side. Hold this tool over the top of the baseboard that you are painting. Then, while holding the tool steady, paint along its edge.

The straight edge of this tool can be more effective than painter's tape because painter's tape can have bubbles and crevices that let paint past it. Conversely, with a paint shield, as long as you hold it steady, no paint will sneak past it.

5. Drop Cloth

Finally, to keep paint off your floor, you may want to use a drop cloth. If you want to use tape along the bottom edge of the baseboards, look for a drop cloth that comes with tape attached to it. Alternatively, just use an old sheet as a drop cloth and skip the tape.

If you're rather have professionals paint your baseboards, contact a company like Dyson Painters.
